Before you start reading episodes please read this:

Zakura The Starting Zone:THE WAR: About 10 years ago four tribes villages Fire, Land, Shadow, and Water live separately and at least there was peace. Then something happened, children woke up in the middle of the night of the noises outside, shouts, bangs etc. Then the children got to know from their mothers who were secretly talking to fathers "The Shadow spirit has attacked, it has attacked to all villages. Be careful shadow ninjas are strong". Then the fathers went out of the houses to join the fight.

NOT PEACE YET: Once upon a time a KOSHONAI village where all the types ninja tribes lived together Fire ninjas, Shadow ninjas, Land ninjas, Water ninjas, Electric ninjas, Sand ninjas, Air ninjas. After the war the all villages Water, Land and Fire, Air, Sand and Electric got together and fought the war together in which the shadow spirit was defeated and all those villages decided that all villages should live together in a single village so they can control the Shadow spirits. Shadow is still on the negative side. They go crazy murdering innocents, stealing Koshonai village secretes and trying to tell everybody. So the village guardians have to deal with it. They keep a sharp eye on that. And if some shadow ninja have found a secret and told somebody: he should be killed and the person he told should be killed by guardians. There is still war going on.

A WATER NINJA: NOW as there is still war going inside a village so there has to be a legend to get peace and get rid of shadow spirits because all the villages combined together so that they can get control of shadow spirits but they are out of hand. So they NEED a legend. People with 'Legend Eye' can only be legends. A 'Legend Eye' is a power who some ninjas have, like the picture shown above. That's an eye which Zakura have and is willing to become a Legend. Becoming a Legend is not an easy task as sometimes some ninjas who have 'Legends Eye' can't become Legends because they have wasted their Amisu. Amisu is a power that allows ninja's to perform Shangs. Shangs are tricks that are created when Amisu is used. Shangs are not simple tricks but very different and powerful tricks. So Zakura wants to be a Legend. So he Starts his Adventures with Ramira; his sister, Kahoro; his classmate, Dahoke; his other classmate, Shirima; his sensei, Manto; Shirimas friend, Ashurumo; who has joined the gang because he to go to a specific place so he decided to travel with the gang and Hosiromi; Dahokes sister.

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